I want to review something with you that I consider to be one of the, I don’t know, I think it’s one of the most misunderstood verbiage’s or terminology’s in all of golf.

It’s called timing. And it’s used a lot on television and in all the magazines, but they don’t explain to you what timing is and what it means.

So, let me give you a little golf instruction lesson, and then, that way you’ll start to understand the value of the word timing. Okay, here it goes.

Whenever you watch a good player hit a golf ball and or when you hit a good shot, this is what timing means. It was your ability to swing the arms down as your left hip moved out of the way, and gets out of the way for you.

Now, there are a couple of mistakes you can make. First of all, some people swing the arms down, and this never moves and you stay still. If you do that, you would be one that would come down and the club face closes quickly at the bottom of the hit.

If your timing is off because you didn’t move the bottom out of the way, the arms will cross over real quick.

On the other hand, most of the golfing public, when they swing down, their body moves out of the way and leaves the club behind them and open.

So, a little golf instruction lesson, if your timing is off and your body’s too quick, you’ll go to the right. If your timing’s off and your body’s a little too slow, you might hook it.

If your timing is on, all that’s saying is that you have the combination of the body, the bottom part of the body moving out of the way, as the arms swing down.

Again, the body moves, arms swing down. It’s just a combination of getting the arms and the hands to match up with the bottom part of the golf swing.

Thanks, and have a great day. I hope that golf instruction lesson helped.

I often see a number of amateurs prepare for their driver golf swing by walking up, after they have teed the ball up, they just take a step back and they address it. They grip the golf club and they address it, and they sort of just plot their feet down wherever they land, but let me tell you the proper way.

This way you’ll be able to get the ball in the correct position more often than not. After you have the golf ball and you’ve gripped it and you have addressed it, then you’ll just look down, take a peek down, and if this golf ball is running towards the left heel, then this is correct.

If you look down and you see the golf ball is a little too far forward off your left, that’s too far forward and you’ll probably see that the shoulders are aimed too far to the left.

On the other hand, if you look back down and you think the ball is too far back in your stance when you put this shaft along you, you’ll be aiming way off to the right.

So, after you’ve addressed the golf ball, all you have to do to get ready for your driver golf swing is bring the shaft up and lay it along your shoulder line, and it should be going in the direction you want to go with it.

If you get it too far back in your stance at address, you’ll wind up aiming your shoulders too far off to the right.

And if you get it off the left heel, this should be proper for most people.

Give that a try the next time out.